Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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06 junio 2020 sábado. 03:09:01 UTC
Estafador / abusador
I don't know
United States
I was sent the following message via text from the number 1410100011(likely a fake #). I don't even use bitcoin. "1 of 7 FRM:FormalNotice MSG:Long story short, I had(still have) full access to your phone for the last mounth,(texts,contacts,email,social (Con't) 2 of 7 networks(back-ups + your credentials),pictures,videos...only imagine. Privilege of having full access to your phone:turn on (Con't) 3 of 7 microphone/camera(also have some interesting audio/video moments) and i bet you don't want to be shared. To keep my mouth shut,transfer (Con't) 4 of 7 $1200 on my btc wallet: "1KHijmcUEwcdgMUCYMddPYAYgVLaMSJ5MG" (copy paste is case sensitive) ;if you are not familiar with this,it is very (Con't) 5 of 7 simple:google'it :"buy btc" or search for a "nearest btc atm". You have 48hours,time started.''PS:someone will pay more than that for t More?"
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